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Gyeonggi Suwon International School

Büsing Matthias


My name is Matthias Büsing and I am 16 years old. This year will be my fourth year living in Korea and attending GSIS, but before coming to Korea, I lived in Germany and attended a public school. I also really like to read books in my free time or spend time with my friends. Therefore, I think that all other people or children, who do not have the access to daily assets, should be provided with these. One example of this is by providing them with books to read, in their free-time, or even to further their knowledge on something.

Jun Woo Kang


I am Jun Woo Kang, a junior. I have a background of living in Budapest, Hungary for 6 years. I love American football, baseball, films, and reading. I also love spending time with children, and reaching out to the underprivileged -- I find that to be incredibly fulfilling. I am grateful for this opportunity with Thinker Library Foundation to extend a passion of mine.

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